WhatsApp Chats: How to Backup on Android and iOS

Have you ever stopped to think about what will happen to your most important WhatsApp chats if you either lose or damage your phone? Or if you accidentally delete some of your chats? Well, you also lose everything on WhatsApp including messages, media, and documents. But, there is a solution to this before it’s late—It turns out that backups can be really important

How to backup WhatsApp chats on Android and iOS:

This is a very simple process, and it’s also very important. You can use WhatsApp’s built-in backup features to keep a copy of your chats safe, (but it only works for a short period of time). For more flexibility and control over the process, there are third-party apps available.

And the most convenient of all is Google Drive. Follow these straightforward steps to backup your conversations:

1) Activate a Google account on your device. You can easily

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Reduce Construction Costs When Building a House; 7 Simple Tips

The cost of building a new house in Kenya has been on the rise for some time now. This is because of several factors, including the rising cost of labour, materials, and energy. This can be a major burden for you if you want to build a new home. Fortunately, with a few simple strategies, you can reduce your construction costs and save some money.

Here are seven things you can do to save money when building a new house in Kenya.

1. Choose a simple house design 

One of the most effective ways to reduce construction costs is to choose a simple house design. A design with too much detail will require more materials, labour, and time, which will increase the overall cost of construction. A simple house design will cost less than a complex one. 

2. Choose a building size you can afford 

Another factor to consider

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Apple Car: What We Know

Apple Car is one of the few tech projects that has been kept as closely monitored secret as possible by the company. Details of the car are very scarce at the moment and we can only speculate.

Concrete Details

We are moving to 2023, but Apple’s tentatively named car project has been the subject of so many rumours.

The normal trade deals, industry partnerships and vehicle specs have been ongoing since the company said it would go that route a few years ago.

However, we are sure about the semi-autonomous project that Apple is working on because the company mentioned it. It is code-named Project Titan.

Apple Car Release Date

At the moment, no one knows because they have not given out any further instructions. Apple has not contracted any know manufacturer to partner with on this project.

In 2020, analyst Ming-Chi Kui indicated that apple may launch its

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Entrepreneurs in Kenya; their biggest challenges and how to avoid

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Kenya because many people know the benefits of starting their own businesses. However, despite the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, it has its fair share of challenges that many entrepreneurs in Kenya face as they start and run their businesses. Therefore, if you are thinking of venturing into any kind of business, you ought to lower your expectations and be prepared to face a multitude of obstacles. 

In this article, we will look at the biggest challenges entrepreneurs in Kenya face, and how you can avoid them.

Inadequate business skills and experience 

Many entrepreneurs in Kenya lack the knowledge, skills, and experience to launch and manage a business successfully. This can lead to costly mistakes and a lack of direction, resulting in poor performance and low profits. 

To avoid this challenge, join entrepreneurship training programs or use online resources to gain necessary business skills. 

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Touchscreen Laptops Pros and Cons

Touchscreen laptops are an emerging trend in the world of technology. They are gaining popularity because of their convenience and ease of use. These devices have touchscreens that allow users to interact directly with the laptop by simply touching the screen with a finger or stylus.

However, with their high level of functionality that traditional laptops do not even match, touchscreen laptops also have their cons like any other technology. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of these devices as compared to their non-touchscreen counterparts.


  • Provides easy and fast navigation—no need for a mouse

Touchscreen laptops provide easy and fast navigation. You can simply use the touchscreen feature to access the various applications and programs instead of a mouse or touchpad, which can be time-consuming and difficult to use. This makes them ideal for you if you always need quick and easy access to

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